Can Mete

Food | Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Hello, my name is Can Mete. I am a gastronomy graduate – which has led me to a life in Istanbul as a food photographer.

I am actively involved in the food in Istanbul through the visual representations I create for restaurants, chefs, food brands and culinary schools. My time spent shooting is divided between my home office, restaurants and kitchens.

Primarily, I utilize natural light as a resource – though, as needed, Hensel Paraflash allows me to carry out my shoots.

I am intrigued by natural and pure imagery – which I have implemented into my style of photography. Knowing how to cook does come into play while I am shooting – since I do know what good tasting dishes ought to look like.

I prefer not to take a heavy load of equipment to my shoots. Easy movement is an essential factor for me.

I choose to work with Canon 5D Mark III due to its color balance feature; as well as, 100mm f/2.8 macro, 50mm f/1.8 and for wide angle 24-105 f/4L zoom lens – which are both a go-to for food photographers.

My equipment does tend to fluctuate. For example, I am planning on adding a 24-70 f/2.8L II lens in the near future.

For a tripod, I use SLIK ABLE 300HC and its horizontal usage is a very important factor for me. At times, the more difficult shoots lead me to using the bigger tripods of Manfrotto.

My MacBook Pro 13.3″ laptop assists me in both shooting photography and arrangement/edit phase. I also use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CC 2018.

Zhiyun Smooth Q and iPhone 7 is my choice for basic video shoots. Stabilization is very important.

It is crucial to have equipment that is easy and convenient to carry while traveling. | @canxmete


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